实木板 |
添加时间:2018/11/21 16:59:25 浏览次数: |
实木板就是采用完整的木材(原木)制成的木板材。实木板一般按照板材实质(原木材质)名称分类,没有统一的标准规格。实木板是相对于大量的非实木板而言的,如利用木材加工下脚料、农作物秸秆、谷壳、花生壳等材料生产的胶合板、压模板等。 Solid wood planks are made of wood (logs) made of wood. Solid wood boards are generally classified according to the nature of the board (log material) without uniform standard specifications. Solid wood boards are relative to a large number of non-solid wood boards, such as plywood, pressing formwork and so on, which are made of wood processing scrap, crop straw, grain husk, peanut husk and other materials. 实木板板材坚固耐用、纹路自然,大都具有天然木材特有的芳香,具有较好的吸湿性和透气性,有益于人体健康,不造成环境污染,是制作高档家具、装修房屋的优质板材。一些特殊材质(如榉木)的实木板还是制造枪托、精密仪表的理想材料。 Solid wood boards are durable and natural in grain. Most of them have the unique aroma of natural wood. They have good hygroscopicity and air permeability. They are good for human health and do not cause environmental pollution. They are high-quality boards for making high-grade furniture and decorating houses. Some special materials, such as beech wood, are ideal materials for making butt and precision instruments. |
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