管道与风机的接口及出口 |
添加时间:2022/4/13 16:07:49 浏览次数: |
管道与风机的接口及出口 Interface and outlet between pipeline and fan 风机运转的时候产生机械振动,为减少机械振动对管道的干扰,在管道与风机相连的位置最好用段软管(如帆布软管)。 Mechanical vibration occurs when the fan is running. In order to reduce the interference of mechanical vibration to the pipeline, it is best to use a section of hose (such as canvas hose) at the position where the pipeline is connected with the fan. 在风机的出口处通常选用直管,当得到组装位置的局限,须要在风机出口处组装弯头时,弯头的转向应与风机叶轮的旋转角度保持一致。 The straight pipe is usually selected at the outlet of the fan. When it is necessary to assemble the elbow at the outlet of the fan due to the limitation of the assembly position, the rotation direction of the elbow shall be consistent with the rotation angle of the fan impeller. 管道的出口气体流动排入化粪池模具 精密铸造 钢纤维 盐水注射机 风电基础模具 nsk轴承经销商 nsk轴承总代理 保定空调移机空气,当气体流动由管道口排出时,气体流动在排出前所具备的动能将都亏损掉。 The gas flow at the outlet of the pipeline is discharged into the air. When the gas flow is discharged from the pipeline port, the kinetic energy of the gas flow before discharge will be lost. 为降低出口动压亏损,可把出口制成渐扩角不是很大的渐扩管,出口处尽量不要设风帽或其他物品,与此同时尽可能减低排风口气流速度。 In order to reduce the dynamic pressure loss at the outlet, the outlet can be made into a gradual expansion pipe with a small gradual expansion angle. Try not to set a hood or other articles at the outlet. At the same time, try to reduce the flow speed of exhaust air as much as possible |
上一页 通风预埋短管如何制作、安装? |
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